How to Image Smoother in C++ Program ?

  C & C ++ Interview Q&A

Dear readers, today read in this article how to smooth the image in C ++ program?

If you have a 2D matrix M that represents the gray scale of an image, then we need to design a smoothie to create a gray scale of every 8 gray pixels that surrounds all 8 pixels and the average gray scale of itself (Downwards). If a cell has less than 8 surrounding cells, change all possible pixels.

Example for Image Smoother in C++

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void print_vector(vector<vector<auto> > v){
   cout << "[";
   for(int i = 0; i<v.size(); i++){
      cout << "[";
      for(int j = 0; j <v[i].size(); j++){
         cout << v[i][j] << ", ";
      cout << "],";
   cout << "]"<<endl;
class ImageSmoothProg{
   vector<vector<int>> imageSmoother(vector<vector<int>>& M) {
      int R = M.size();
      int C = M[0].size();
      vector<int> d{ -1, 0, 1 };
      vector<vector<int> > res(R, vector<int>(C, 0));
      for (int i = 0; i < R; ++i) {
         for (int j = 0; j < C; ++j) {
            int sum = 0, count = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
               for (int l = 0; l < 3; ++l) {
                  int m = i + d[k], n = j + d[l];
                     if (m >= 0 && m < R && n >= 0 && n < C) ++count, sum += M[m][n];
               res[i][j] = sum / count;
         return res;
   ImageSmoothProg ob;
   vector<vector<int>> v = {{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1}};


[[0, 0, 0, ],[0, 0, 0, ],[0, 0, 0, ],]