How to Use Jupyter Notebook on Mac : Guide

  Python Questions & Answers

In today’s tech-savvy world, data science and coding have become increasingly accessible and integral to various fields. Jupyter Notebook, a powerful interactive computing environment, has gained popularity among developers, data scientists, and researchers due to its versatility and user-friendly interface. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to use Jupyter Notebook on a Mac, step by step, making it accessible to beginners and beneficial to experienced users.

What is Jupyter Notebook?

The Origin of Jupyter

Jupyter Notebook gets its name from the combination of three core programming languages: Julia, Python, and R. It was formerly known as IPython Notebook and was created by Fernando Pérez in 2011. Jupyter is an open-source project that has since gained tremendous popularity in the data science community.

Why Use Jupyter Notebook?

Jupyter Notebook provides an interactive platform for developing and presenting data science projects. Its advantages include real-time code execution, inline data visualization, and the ability to mix code with explanatory text. This makes it an ideal choice for tasks like data analysis, machine learning, and sharing research findings.

Installing Jupyter Notebook on Mac


Before we dive into Jupyter Notebook, you need to have Python installed on your Mac. Most Macs come with Python pre-installed, but it’s advisable to use a package manager like Homebrew to ensure you have the latest version.

Using Anaconda

Anaconda is a popular distribution that simplifies the installation of Jupyter Notebook and other data science libraries. Download and install Anaconda for macOS from their website, and you’ll have Jupyter Notebook ready to use.

Using pip

If you prefer a more minimal installation, you can use Python’s package manager, pip, to install Jupyter Notebook. Open your terminal and run the following command:

pip install notebook

Launching Jupyter Notebook

Terminal Method

Once Jupyter Notebook is installed, you can launch it from your terminal by typing

jupyter notebook

This will open Jupyter Notebook in your default web browser.

Anaconda Navigator

If you installed Anaconda, you can also launch Jupyter Notebook from the Anaconda Navigator interface. Simply open Anaconda Navigator, locate Jupyter Notebook, and click the “Launch” button.

Creating Your First Notebook

Notebook Interface

Upon launching Jupyter Notebook, you’ll be greeted with an interface that resembles a file explorer. You can navigate your computer’s file system to find or create notebooks.

Code and Markdown Cells

A Jupyter Notebook consists of cells, which can contain either code or markdown. Code cells are where you write and execute your Python code, while markdown cells are used for text explanations and documentation.

To create a new notebook, click the “New” button and choose either “Python 3” (for code) or “Markdown” (for text).

Working with Cells

Adding and Deleting Cells

You can add new cells by clicking the “+” button in the toolbar. To delete a cell, select it and press “dd” (double-press the “d” key).

Running Cells

To execute a code cell, select it and press “Shift+Enter” or click the “Run” button. The output, if any, will appear below the cell.

Cell Types

You can change the cell type from code to markdown and vice versa using the dropdown menu in the toolbar.

Writing Code in Jupyter Notebook

Python Code

Jupyter Notebook supports Python, so you can write and run Python code seamlessly. It also provides syntax highlighting and code completion, making coding more efficient.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Mastering keyboard shortcuts in Jupyter Notebook can significantly boost your productivity. For example, press “Shift+Enter” to run a cell and move to the next one.

Adding Text and Visuals

Markdown Cells

Markdown cells allow you to format text using simple markdown syntax. You can create headers, lists, links, and even include mathematical equations using LaTeX.

Inserting Images and Links

You can easily insert images and links into markdown cells to enhance the documentation of your notebooks.

Saving and Exporting Notebooks


Jupyter Notebook automatically saves your work periodically. However, it’s a good practice to save your work manually using the “Save” button or by pressing “Ctrl+S” (or “Cmd+S” on Mac).

Exporting to Different Formats

You can export your notebooks to various formats, including HTML, PDF, and even as executable scripts.

Sharing Your Notebooks

GitHub Integration

To share your Jupyter Notebooks with others, consider using GitHub. You can easily push your notebooks to a GitHub repository for collaborative work and version control.


Nbviewer is an online service that allows you to share Jupyter Notebooks by simply providing the notebook’s URL. It renders your notebook in a readable format for others to view.

Customizing Jupyter Notebook

Themes and Styles

Jupyter Notebook allows you to customize its appearance by choosing different themes and styles. You can make it visually appealing and comfortable for your coding preferences.


Explore Jupyter Notebook extensions to enhance your workflow. Extensions can add extra functionality and improve your overall experience.


Common Issues

Encountering problems while using Jupyter Notebook is common. In this section, we will address some of the most common issues and how to resolve them.

Community Support

If you encounter complex issues, don’t hesitate to seek help from the vibrant Jupyter Notebook community. Forums and online communities are excellent places to find solutions to specific problems.

Tips for Productivity

Keyboard Shortcuts for Efficiency

Mastering keyboard shortcuts can make your Jupyter Notebook experience smoother and more efficient. Take the time to learn and implement them in your workflow.

Using Magic Commands

Jupyter Notebook provides magic commands that allow you to perform various tasks more efficiently. These commands can save you time and effort in your data science projects.

Security Considerations

Setting Passwords

If you plan to run Jupyter Notebook on a shared or public server, it’s crucial to set up a password to secure your notebooks and data.

SSL Encryption

For added security, consider enabling SSL encryption when running Jupyter Notebook on a remote server. This ensures that your data is transmitted securely.


Jupyter Notebook is a versatile tool that empowers you to explore, document, and share your data science and coding projects seamlessly. With this comprehensive guide, you have the knowledge to harness its capabilities and elevate your data-driven endeavors.


1. Is Jupyter Notebook free to use?

Yes, Jupyter Notebook is an open-source project and is free to use for personal and professional purposes.

2. Can I use Jupyter Notebook for languages other than Python?

While Jupyter Notebook is primarily used for Python, it supports various programming languages through its kernels. You can work with languages like R, Julia, and more.

3. How can I export my Jupyter Notebook to PDF?

You can export your notebook to PDF by selecting “File” > “Download as” > “PDF” from the Jupyter Notebook menu.

4. What are the system requirements for running Jupyter Notebook on a Mac?

Jupyter Notebook is lightweight and can run on most modern Mac computers with Python installed.

5. Can I share my Jupyter Notebook with someone who doesn’t have Jupyter installed?

Yes, you can share your notebook using online platforms like nbviewer, which allow others to view your notebook without installing Jupyter themselves.

In this guide, we’ve covered everything from installation to advanced usage, ensuring that you’re well-equipped to leverage the power of Jupyter Notebook on your Mac. So, dive in, explore, and let Jupyter Notebook enhance your data science journey.